Saturday, May 30, 2020

Read Mogworld Free

Trying to find Mogworld ?

Author : Yahtzee Croshaw
Publisher : Dark Horse Books
Total Pages : 416

In a world full to bursting with would-be heroes, Jim couldnt be less interested in saving the day. His fireballs fizzle. Hes awfully grumpy. Plus, hes been dead for about sixty years. When a renegade necromancer wrenches him from eternal slumber and into a world gone terribly, bizarrely wrong, all Jim wants is to find a way to die properly, once and for all. On his side, hes got a few shambling corpses, an inept thief, and a powerful death wish. But hes up against tough odds: angry mobs of adventurers, a body falling apart at the seams — and a team of programmers racing a deadline to hammer out the last few bugs in their AI. *Mogworld is the debut novel from video-game icon Yahtzee Croshaw (Zero Punctuation)! With an exclusive one-chapter preview of Yahtzee Croshaws next novel, Jam—coming to bookstores in October 2012! *Ben "Yahtzee" Croshaws video review site, Zero Punctuation, receives over 2,500,000 unique hits a month, and has been licensed by G4 Television. *Yahtzees blog receives about 150,000 hits per day. "The first legitimate breakout hit from the gaming community in recent memory." -Boing Boing

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